The Fine Print

Most items borrowed from the library are fine free, including books!*
Patrons must pay any existing or future fees for lost and damaged items. To alleviate concerns that materials will not be returned in a timely manner, items that are overdue will automatically incur a replacement bill after 14 days. Renewing or returning overdue items will remove replacement bills from the account. Replacement bills for lost or damaged items must be addressed to be able to borrow more items. Borrowers must have less than $25 accrued on their account to be considered in good standing with the library. For more information, please speak with our staff.

Renewals, Fines, & Loan Periods

Loan Periods

  • Most Materials 28 days
  • New Books 14 days (28 days if 500+ pages)
  • New Videos 7 days
  • Older Videos 14 days
  • Non-Fiction Videos 14 or 28 days
  • Audiobooks 14 or 28 days
  • eReaders 28 days
  • Magazines 14 days
  • Museum Passes 3 days
  • Fishing Rods 14 days
  • Library of Things 14 days


  • Most Materials No fines
  • Videos No Fines
  • Museum Passes $1/day - maximum $5
  • E-Readers and Tablets $1/day - maximum $5
  • Hotspots and Laptops $1/day - maximum $5
  • GoPros $1/day - maximum $5
  • Other Major Electronics $1/day - maximum $5
  • Library of Things Items $0.10 or $1 per day (as marked)


Materials not on reserve will be automatically renewed up to two times. A confirmation will be sent by email to patrons with an email address on file with us. To check the due date of an item, either log into your account, or call the circulation desk by phone during regular library hours, at 518-765-2791.

Return of Materials

A book drop is located to the left of the main entrance.  This may be used anytime.  Most items, with the exception of interlibrary loan materials, museum passes, Nook eReaders and Library of Things items may be returned to another local public library.  Nook eReaders and Library of Things items must be returned at the circulation desk.


Books, CD audiobooks, Nook eReaders and videos can be placed on reserve if they are signed out when you request them.  You will be notified by phone or email when the materials are available and the library will hold them for one week.

Interlibrary Loan

Materials that are not in our collection can often be borrowed from other libraries.  We can obtain materials from local libraries or conduct a national search if necessary. Ask at the Reference Desk for details.

*Out-of-system interlibrary loan books do incur late fines.